Language School
talk it easy!

Mission statement

Our philosophy

TANDEM International e.V. is an international association of independent language schools, which aims to promote cross-cultural awareness and intercultural understanding through language learning.

As a member of this umbrella organisation, TANDEM Köln has been successfully operating as an independent language school in Cologne since 2004. We are proud of our high-quality teaching, the good organisation, the familiar atmosphere and the good modern equipment of the school.

We are distinguished by the fact that we are constantly facing new challenges in the field of education, and we are committed to continuous development in terms of organisation and content.

Our goals

Learning languages is the basis for successful intercultural communication. We have made it our objective to help people from different origins get to know and understand each other. Through our friendly and motivating classroom atmosphere, we aim to promote joy in learning languages and enthusiasm for intercultural exchange. Our main focus lies on a practical, hands-on approach; we always aim to improve our students’ ability to communicate in everyday life, university or their workplace. Our main goal is to ensure our clients' satisfaction with Tandem's services and to actively support them in integrating into their studies and careers.


What we offer

Our high quality language course services are aimed at our clients’ individual needs as well as the requirements of a globalised education landscape. We prove our competence every day in our German and foreign language courses. In doing so, we always strive to provide our customers with innovative, target-group-oriented educational offers and to continuously improve them.


Our quality statement

In accordance with our membership of TANDEM International e.V.and of Qualitätsgemeinschaft Berufliche Bildung Region Köln e.V.,we have agreed to subject our services to an ongoing process of quality control. This is ensured through the evaluation of our customer satisfaction surveys as well as observed teaching sessions. In addition, there are regular quality checks executed by the above-mentioned institutions. Fulfillment of our high quality standards can be observed in the topicality of our teaching materials, our employment of highly motivated and qualified teachers, our up-to-date classroom equipment and our customer-oriented services.


Our employees

All our employees have expertise and motivation, and identify with our institution’s objectives. Our work here at Tandem, internally as well as externally, is characterised by mutual respect and trust, openness, reliability, responsible conduct and sensitivity.

Our teachers are native speakers with a wealth of experience in teaching and excellent professional skills. They enjoy and see the fun in teaching and in working with people, and are happy to be able to pass on their enthusiasm for their language and culture.


Customer orientation

It is important to us to make a point of offering excellent service to our customers, to attend to them individually and to answer any requests quickly and professionally. TANDEM Köln is in a position to offer a wide range of courses, and is constantly working on its further development. Fair and transparent terms and conditions are axiomatic for us.

Offering innovative services is an important aspect of customer orientation. Therefore, TANDEM Köln places special importance on developing products to accompany our courses: hand-picked accommodation, extracurricular activities, complementary online courses as well as preparation for and the carrying out of internationally recognised certificates and exams form an important complement to our language course programme.


Ethos, social commitment and sustainability

TANDEM Köln is characterised also by participatory decision-making processes that give its employees the chance to exert influence on the school's objectives and products. Moreover, we co-operate with social and cultural initiatives and environmental organisations. This is done either in the form of donations or through preference given to solidarity-based institutions when we award contracts, or through actively supporting the actions and projects of these institutions. In addition, we actively contribute to protecting the environment by choosing fair trade products, ecologically sustainable office and course materials as well as environmentally friendly cleaning products.

We recommend to our participants from abroad to travel by train or, if they travel by car or plane, to offset their CO2 emissions via or

TANDEM Köln also supports environmentally responsible travel financially.

Tandem Köln


Rolandstr. 57
D-50677 Köln

+49.(0)221.310 10 30
Fax: +49.(0)221.310 10 74
Skype: tandemkoeln

Office hours:

Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Fridays for Future 10 a.m. -  4 p.m.

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