TANDEM Köln is recognized as a 'Low Plastic Location':
Throughout the school we pay attention to waste separation.
The school is supplied with electricity from renewable sources (wind, sun, water).
The furniture in offices, classrooms and guest rooms is completely without plastic.
Office materials are ordered ecologically sustainable at memo.de (recycled and mostly plastic-free products in a reusable shipping system).
Plastic items are used until they are broken or unusable. For new purchases, we make sure that they contain no plastic if possible.
Drinks for employees and our customers come from a permanently installed water dispenser or reusable bottles.
TANDEM Köln is a refill station. Drinking bottles that you bring with you can be refilled at our station - even if you are not taking a language course.
Environmentally friendly travel
Course participants from abroad who travel by train or have compensated the CO2 emissions of their flight accordingly, pay only a reduced registration fee of 25 EUR (- 50%). For long-distance flights this fee is waived completely!