Language School
talk it easy!

Visa Information

In case you have to apply for visa, you should contact the German Embassy or a German Consulate. There you will be informed about the requirements you have to meet.

In some countries you will be requested to prove that you have knowledge of German already. Besides that it may be requested that you pay your language course(s) in advance. If a visa is granted, you will have to attend classes regularly. Please note that you have to sign up for 20 hours per week at least.

One of several requirements for obtaining a study visa is the confirmation of enrolment from the school. TANDEM Köln will send you this confirmation as soon as we have received your registration and a deposit (usually 50% of the course price).

TANDEM Köln cannot guarantee the granting of a student visa or in any way influence the outcome or duration of your visa application. In case a visa will not be granted, please send us a copy of the negative reply given by the Embassy. Then we will refund the amount paid in advance according to our terms and conditions.

If you are not sure which visa to apply for, the visa navigator will help you:

Addresses of all German Embassies:

For longer stays you may need to set up a blocked account. You can easily set this up at Coracle:

Information for students from abroad:

Tandem Köln


Rolandstr. 57
D-50677 Köln

+49.(0)221.310 10 30
Fax: +49.(0)221.310 10 74
Skype: tandemkoeln

Office hours:

Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Fridays for Future 10 a.m. -  4 p.m.

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