Language School
talk it easy!

German Intensive Courses

Learn quickly, effectively and with fun!

  •     All levels (A1.1 - C1.3) all year round
  •     20 lessons per week in the morning (Monday - Friday 9:30 - 13:00)
  •     5-12 participants per group#
  •     Qualified teachers, a mix of varied methods and a relaxed, communicative atmosphere

#on average 9-10; in exceptional cases 13 or 14 for a few weeks (e.g. due to visa requirements or a change of level for pedagogical reasons)

Our levels

Level Lessons Duration*    4 weeks    4 weeks    4 weeks
A1 160    8 weeks A1.1 A1.2
A2 160 8 weeks A2.1 A2.2
B1 160 8 weeks B1.1 B1.2
B2 240  12 weeks B2.1 B2.2 B2.3
C1 240   12 weeks C1.1 C.1.2 C1.3
A1 - C1 about 960 48 weeks*      

*some courses are running for 9 or 13 weeks

Do you have previous knowledge? Then you can join the current course every Monday after a placement test; the sub-levels also start every 4 weeks.

Each level concludes with a mandatory final test. Advancement to a higher level is only possible if the test is passed. This ensures that the groups remain homogeneous. And so you can see your learning success :) Should you have any difficulties, you can combine your intensive course with additional lessons in a mini-group or in the form of individual lessons. This helps you to avoid having to repeat the level completely.


Course no.    Starting date 8 weeks (A1, A2, B1)    12 weeks (B2, C1)
K1 January 6th February 28th März 28th
K2 February 3rd März 28th April 25th
K3 March 4th (Tue.) April 25th May 28th
K4* March 31st May 28th June 27th
K5* April 28th June 27th August 2nd
K6* June 2nd August 2nd August 30th
K7* June 30th August 30th September 27th
K8 August 4th September 27th October 25th
K9 September 1st October 25th November 21st
K10 September 29th November 21st Dezember 19th
K11 October 27th December 19th 30. January 30th
K12 November 24th January 30th February 27th
*course is running for 9 / 13 weeks
School holidays: Dec. 23rd 2024 – Jan. 3rd 2025 and Dec. 22nd 2025 - Jan. 9th 2026

Public holidays 2025 (which are not refundable): March 3rd (Shrove Monday, Carnival); April 18th, April 21st, May 1st, May 29th & 30th, June 9th, June 19th & 20th, Oct 3rd

Tandem Köln


Rolandstr. 57
D-50677 Köln

+49.(0)221.310 10 30
Fax: +49.(0)221.310 10 74
Skype: tandemkoeln

Office hours:

Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Fridays for Future 10 a.m. -  4 p.m.

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