Language School
talk it easy!

Combined Courses

Our Intensive course can easily be combined with 4 or 8 private lessons every week. In this way, you can improve your German even more quickly and effectively or prepare specifically for an upcoming exam or a professional challenge.


Combined Cours 20      
Intensive Course + 4 private lessons + 8 private lessons
Registration fee       60,- €
1 week   380,- € 600,- €
4 weeks   1.520,- € 2.400,- €
8 weeks 2.880,- € 4.640,- €
Additonal week    +360,- € +580,- €


Combined Cours 24        
IntensivePLUS + 4 private lessons + 8 private lessons
Registration fee       60,- €
1 week   430,- € 650,- €
4 weeks   1.720,- € 2.600,- €
8 weeks 3.280,- € 5.040,- €
Additonal week    +410,- € +630,- €

*Our registration fee covers the course confirmation, placement test, information package, certificate of attendance and class material in the form of photocopies as well as your first course book. We would also be glad to help you find a language exchange partner

Tandem Köln


Rolandstr. 57
D-50677 Köln

+49.(0)221.310 10 30
Fax: +49.(0)221.310 10 74
Skype: tandemkoeln

Office hours:

Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Fridays for Future 10 a.m. -  4 p.m.

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